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Release 17.09.2024: migration guide

This release of =nil; adds several improvements to developer tools and futher simplifies working with custom tokens.

Summary of key changes

  • The =nil; CLI can now be used to estimate gas
  • The cluster supports burning custom tokens
  • The sendRequest() function in Nil.sol supports sending custom tokens
  • Whenever a contract fails, logs that have been written prior to the failure point are not reverted. This should make debugging easier

Migration of smart contracts

  • Add custom tokens to sendRequest()

The sendRequest() function now has one more signature:

function sendRequest(
address dst,
uint256 value,
Token[] memory tokens,
bytes memory context,
bytes memory callData
) internal {}

If the contract logic permits it, attach custom tokens to sendRequest(). On the side of the receiving contract, modify the function being called so that it processes the received tokens.

Migration of the =nil; CLI

  • Estimate fees before sending transactions

The =nil; CLI now includes the estimate-fee command whose purpose is to evaluate how much gas would be spent by sending a specific transaction.

Use the command as follows:

nil smart-account estimate-fee ADDRESS FUNC_NAME [ARGS] --abi path/to/abi
  • Burn custom tokens

The CLI also supports burning custom tokens:

nil minter burn-token ADDRESS AMOUNT

If necessary, add this logic to existing scripts using the =nil; CLI to reduce the total supply of a custom token.

Migration of Nil.js scripts

  • Burn custom tokens

Inside Nil.js, SmartAccountV1 now exposes a new method for burning custom tokens:

const amount = 50_000n;
const hashTransaction = await smartAccount.burnToken(amount);
await waitTillCompleted(client, hashTransaction);

Modify existing Nil.js scripts to reduce the total supply of custom tokens owned by various smart accounts.

Migration of Hardhat scripts

No specific changes have to be made to existing Hardhat scripts.