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Standalone Clang usage

Now zkLLVM clang requires several essential arguments:

-target assigner -Xclang -no-opaque-pointers -emit-llvm -S

Moreover, you need to use our custom standard library. Library headers could be added with options:

-Izkllvm/libs/stdlib/libc/include -Izkllvm/libs/stdlib/libcpp

With these arguments, clang will generate .ll assembler as an output. These assembly files could be linked with llvm-link binary (it’s also an artifact from zkLLVM project):

llvm-link -opaque-pointers=0 -o output.ll input1.ll input2.ll … inputX.ll

output.ll could be used further as an input for llvm-link. So you can link some intermediate targets first, and then use them for creating the final circuit.

The expected result that could be passed to assigner is a single .ll file that must contain exactly one function with [[circuit]] attribute, which is considered as an entry point of the circuit. In case if you are going to use cmake as a build system, you could reuse our module CircuitCompile.cmake.