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Nil.js: working with tokens

Basic example

To create a new token and withdraw it:

const client = new PublicClient({
transport: new HttpTransport({
endpoint: RPC_ENDPOINT,
shardId: 1,

const smartAccount = await generateSmartAccount({
shardId: 1,
rpcEndpoint: RPC_ENDPOINT,
faucetEndpoint: FAUCET_ENDPOINT,

const hashTransaction = await smartAccount.setTokenName("MY_TOKEN");
await waitTillCompleted(client, hashTransaction);

const hashTransaction = await smartAccount.mintToken(100_000_000n);
await waitTillCompleted(client, hashTransaction);

To burn an existing token:

const hashTransaction = await smartAccount.burnToken(50_000_000n);
await waitTillCompleted(client, hashTransaction);

Working with multiple smart accounts

This example creates a smart account that stores three tokens: the default token, and two custom tokens.

Create two new smart accounts:

const client = new PublicClient({
transport: new HttpTransport({
endpoint: RPC_ENDPOINT,
shardId: 1,

const smartAccount = await generateSmartAccount({
shardId: 1,
rpcEndpoint: RPC_ENDPOINT,
faucetEndpoint: FAUCET_ENDPOINT,

const smartAccountTwo = await generateSmartAccount({
shardId: 1,
rpcEndpoint: RPC_ENDPOINT,
faucetEndpoint: FAUCET_ENDPOINT,

const hashTransaction = await smartAccount.setTokenName("MY_TOKEN");
await waitTillCompleted(client, hashTransaction);

const hashTransaction = await smartAccountTwo.setTokenName("ANOTHER_TOKEN");
await waitTillCompleted(client, hashTransaction);

Create a new token for Smart Account 1 and withdraw it:

const hashTransaction = await smartAccount.mintToken(100_000_000n);
await waitTillCompleted(client, hashTransaction);

const hashTransaction = await smartAccountTwo.mintToken(50_000_000n);
await waitTillCompleted(client, hashTransaction);

Create a new token for Smart Account 2 and send it to Smart Account 1:

const transferTransaction = smartAccountTwo.sendTransaction({
to: smartAccount.address,
value: 1_000_000n,
feeCredit: 5_000_000n,
tokens: [
id: smartAccountTwo.address,
amount: 50_000_000n,
const tokens = await client.getTokens(smartAccount.address, "latest");

Working with the faucet service


Refer to the Codebook for ready-made canonical examples on using the faucet service.

Nil.js offers several 'helper' wrappers designed to simplify work with the faucet service.

To create a new faucet client:

const faucetClient = new FaucetClient({
transport: new HttpTransport({

To request a list of all faucets:

const faucets = await faucetClient.getAllFaucets();

To request tokens from a faucet:

await faucetClient.topUpAndWaitUntilCompletion({
smartAccountAddress: SMART_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS,
faucetAddress: FAUCET_ADDRESS,
amount: AMOUNT,