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nil contract call-readonly


Perform a read-only call to the smart contract with the given address and calldata


nil contract call-readonly [address] [calldata or method] [args...] [flags]

Regular Flags

--abistringThe path to the ABI file
--fee-creditvalueThe fee credit for the read-only call (default 2000000000000)
-h, --helpbooleanhelp for call-readonly
--in-overridesstringThe input state overrides
--jsonbooleanOutput as JSON
--out-overridesstringThe output state overrides
--with-detailsbooleanDefine whether to show the tokens used and outbound transactions

Global Flags

-c, --configstringThe path to the config file (default "/build/.config/nil/config.ini")
-l, --log-levelstringLog level: trace
-q, --quietbooleanQuiet mode (print only the result and exit)
-v, --verbosebooleanVerbose mode (print logs)